“Impacting lives everyday in everyday”
Who We Are
Mission: LCOP's mission is to create options and opportunities that develops, enriches and empowers all families and communities to live a wholesome life.
Vision: To empower every person to live a prosperous and wholesome life.
Who We Are: LCOP is a community centered nonprofit that seeks to address under served and overlooked individuals and families of all kinds in the city Pittsburgh. We do this in three ways:
Work with community residents, diverse community groups and community focused businesses to provide resources and solutions for the needs of families and individuals in the community.
Serve as one of the Northside’s spokesmen to the city of Pittsburgh by partnering with our elected officials, Pittsburgh’s police department and all educational institutions to ensure a more inclusive and involved community.
Create programming and development that cultivates the youth, establishes families and propels our community into the future that Pittsburgh seeks after.
Partners of Legacy Community Options for All People
The Buhl Foundation
Propel Community Wellness Center
NS Propel School
Fineview Perry Hilltop Citizens Council
One Northside
Urban Strategies Inc
Legacy International Worship Center
The Greater Pittsburgh Coalition Against Violence
Poise Foundation
The office of the Mayor
Charles Street Valley
The Peoples Office
A+ Schools Pittsburgh
Mistick Construction
Northside Coalition for Fair Housing
Northside Partnership Project
Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA)
Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP)